Home: Products: Plugins: Gossamer Links Plugins: Paid Plugins: 3.x Version: ToDo

This plugin lets your users setup a "to-do" list of tasks they need to do. It works with both adding a "to-do" entry for a specific link - and also just general tasks. It also lets them edit and delete these listings from their user interface. This new version also sends out emails to alert the user one of their "ToDo" entries is occurring on the current day. Version 1.3 also has a built in "date selector" , which gives you users a nice and simple way to select the date they want to add (via a DHTML calendar window). Version 1.4 now has the ability to be alerted XX days before the event actually occurs, via email (again, the user can turn this option "off" if they don't want to receive an alert.

Please Note: If using this plugin on more than one site, you need one license per site!

Please note, this plugin is also part of the following "packages";

Other Details

Plugin Description

This plugin lets your users setup a "to-do" list of tasks they need to do. It works with both adding a "to-do" entry for a specific link - and also just general tasks. It also lets them edit and delete these listings from their user interface. This new version also sends out emails to alert the user one of their "ToDo" entries is occurring on the current day.

Version 1.3 also has a built in "date selector" , which gives you users a nice and simple way to select the date they want to add (via a DHTML calendar window).

Version 1.4 now has the ability to be alerted XX days before the event actually occurs, via email (again, the user can turn this option "off" if they don't want to receive an alert.

Plugin Requirements

  • Gossamer Links 3.0.4+ (will work on older versions, but requires a bit of template work)


  • Users can set an option for each entry, to decide if they want to be emailed a notification when the day arrives of the event. **NEW**
  • Lets your users add a to-do listing for either a link, or without a link (allows them flexability as to what they want to set the to-do for)
  • Easy templates - pre made to work out of the box with the luna template set.
  • Lets them delete their to-do entries
  • Lets them modify their to-do listings.
  • Easy to use DHTML date - selector - so they click and choose the date they want.
  • Lets them set a start and end time.
  • They can choose to have an email "alert" sent to them xx days before the actual even occurs.
  • Emails them a notice when an even is going to occur on the current day.