Home: Products: Plugins: Gossamer Links Plugins: Paid Plugins
ULTRA PRO Package -- 1 Year Renewal
This is a 1-year license extension for the ULTRA PRO Package. Failing to make this payment, will invalidate your support for our plugins in this package. We don't really want to have to do this, but due to the sheer number of people who have this package now, we are running out of time to give support, so need to try and re-coup this somehow.
A nice and easy system for you to manage a "News" section to your site. Both Admins and Editors can manage the news articles (from a nice and simple to use admin tool). The plugin is designed to work out-of-the-box with the "luna" template set, but it will require changes to make it work with custom layouts (not hard at all to customize though)
The main idea of this plugin is to allow users who have a link in your database, to place a bid, which in turn, will get them a higher listing in their category. Each time their link is clicked, the amount that they bided is removed from their account.
This plugin basically is a way to try and stop people from spamming your site directory with rubbish by creating a graphic key they have to enter before submitting a link. The new version is designed to work with Gossamer Links 3.x, and includes several new features (including the ability to define the number of characters you want to use, and the image dimensions)
This plugin will let your users 'spider' the URL that they want to add to your directory, without having to manually enter things such as 'description', 'author' etc (only works if they are defined in meta tags)
This plugin will let you see a list of links in a category, starting with the letter / number that is selected via the "AlphaBar". Simple to use, with just a couple of minor template changes to your category.html template. Once you have selected a "letter" (or number) from the bar, you can see it goes "red" (so they know what page they are on, as if its needed). A span bar feature is also included now.