Home: Products: Plugins: Gossamer Links Plugins: Paid Plugins: Add_Spider

This plugin will let your users 'spider' the URL that they want to add to your directory, without having to manually enter things such as 'description', 'author' etc (only works if they are defined in meta tags)

Please Note: If using this plugin on more than one site, you need one license per site!

Live Demo
Please note, this plugin is also part of the following "packages";

Other Details

Plugin Description

This plugin will let your users 'spider' the URL that they want to add to your directory, without having to manually enter things such as 'description', 'author' etc (only works if they are defined in meta tags)

Plugin Requirements

  • LinksSQL 2.1.2
  • LWP::Simple
  • LWP::UserAgent


This plugin will attempt to grab the author (meta), description (meta), title ( tag), and email (either in the meta tag, or somewhere in the HTML). Basically, the user enters the URL that they want to add to your directory, and it is then spidered for these details (they can skip this part if they want). Just makes your users 'add' process a little easier.