Home: Products: Plugins: Gossamer Links Plugins: Paid Plugins: 3.x Version: PrivateMessage
This plugin lets your users interact with each other, without the need of knowing each others email address. Please note, if you have GForum installed - then you won't really need this plugin. Its aimed for people who ONLY have Links SQL/Gossamer Links, and want to have a private messaging system.
Please note, this plugin is also part of the following "packages";
Other Details
Plugin Description
This plugin lets your users interact with each other, without the need of knowing each others email address. Please note, if you have GForum installed - then you won't really need this plugin. Its aimed for people who ONLY have Links SQL/Gossamer Links, and want to have a private messaging system. With advanced error checking, and a load more cool features upcoming (fully upgradeable), this is a great plugin to add more functionality to your site.
Plugin Requirements
- Gossamer Links 3.0.4 (will work on older, but will need template work)
- You can view your list of PM's, in date order.
- Plugin options let you restrict the length of the message and subject.
- With a little template work, you can provide your users with an option of turning on/off the ability to receive PM's
- All works with the luna template set, but will work fine with other designs too (just needs a bit of template work)
- An email is sent out to the recipient, letting them know they have a new email.
- Error checking, to make sure they enter values (i.e don't have a blank subject), and also make sure the user they are trying to send to exists =)
- HTML template codes are provided to show a link in the header bar too, letting them know if/when they have a new private message.
- An "optional" CAPTCHA security image, to stop people spamming members (new to version 1.1)
- Ability to "reply" to Private Messages directly (new to version 1.1)
Upcoming Features
- Ability to view their "sent" messages, as well as recieved.
- A search function, to make finding old messages easier