Home: Products: Plugins: Gossamer Links Plugins: Paid Plugins: MyFaves

This plug-in allows more interactivity between your visitors. It has many advanced features, whilst still being easy to use by the novice. For a full list of features, please click on the link below;

Please Note: If using this plugin on more than one site, you need one license per site!

Please note, this plugin is also part of the following "packages";

Other Details

Plugin Description

There are quite a few features in this plugin. The main one's I am proud of are;

Plugin Requirements

  • Links SQL 2.1+
  • Cookies enabled on the users side...


  • Span pages
  • Automatic deletion of links from their favourites if a link gets deleted by the admin...
  • Delete function
  • Purge All function (i.e delete all their favourites)
  • Obvious addition of links via one simple click...
  • Language controlled, so there is need to hack the script if you want to change an error message...
  • Template based, so its as easy as possible for you to make the pages look like your site :)