Home: Products: Plugins: Gossamer Links Plugins: Paid Plugins: 2.1.2 Version: Error_Jump - PRO

The idea of this plugin is to 'catch' bad links before sending the user there, and potentially losing them.

Please Note: If using this plugin on more than one site, you need one license per site!

Please note, this plugin is also part of the following "packages";

Other Details

Plugin Description

The idea of this plugin is to 'catch' bad links. It verifies the link exists before sending the user to that page. If it finds there is an error, it will show them an error message on your site, thus not giving them a direct bad link. It will also email you the Link ID if you turn this option on.

Plugin Requirements

Links SQL 2.1+


  • Emails error messages to the link owner (and/or site admin), letting them know there was a problem with their link.
  • HTML email sent out to link owner, so you can make it look pretty :-)
  • All automated... All you need to do is update jump.cgi in the templates to safe_jump.cgi.
  • Checks for 500,401,403 and 404 error codes.

Upcoming Features

  • Future upgrades on the LSQL 2.1.2 version have now stopped. This was the final release, unless any major bugs are found, that need fixing up :)